Title: "The Image of God: Crowned with Glory"

Scripture: Read Genesis 1:26-31

Series: "Begginings" Genesis 1-12

Text Theme: To bear God’s image is to reign and work from a place of rest and fellowship with God. 


1.     Image bearing and sonship go hand in hand. How are you cultivating your relationship with God as his child? Where are you struggling?

2.     Adam and Eve are to rule and serve from their relationship with God. Where have you noticed that you might be serving from the wrong place (pride, an inability to say “no”, jealousy of another person’s gifting, etc.)?

3.     In addition to image bearing relating to our role as representatives of God in this world, to bear God’s image also means that all of humanity carries an inherent sense of worth and dignity. Who do you believe you’re better than? What groups of people do you look down upon? How can you battle this inclination that all of us have, to prop ourselves up at the expense of others?

4.     In what way does being made in the image of God bring you comfort and encouragement? Share that with someone in your community group.