The Incarnation and The Mission of God
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation Topic: Advent Scripture: John 20:19–23
Community Group Questions:
Engage Yourselves:
- What are some areas of your life where you could use the peace of God?
- What sort of things come to mind when you think about being sent in the same way the Father sent Jesus?
Engage the Text:
- Notice Jesus’ gift of peace throughout this passage. How might the peace of God go hand in hand with the mission of God?
- In verse 22 it says that Jesus “breathed on them” and gifted them with the Holy Spirit. Where else in Scripture does the Holy Spirit accompany the mission of God? Think both Old and New Testament.
Engage your Neighbor:
- In what ways does this passage challenge you when it comes to our calling to make disciples and proclaim the good news?
- Has God placed anyone in your path who needs to hear the good news? How are you engaging them that they too might experience the forgiveness offered by Jesus?
other sermons in this series
Dec 27
Rags, Riches, and the Incarnation
Speaker: Scott Stengele Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:1–9 Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation
Dec 24
O Holy Night - Christmas Eve 2020
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: John 8:12 Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation
Dec 13
He Dwelt Among Us
Scripture: John 1:1–14 Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation