April 18, 2021

And Immediately He Proclaimed Jesus

Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Faithful Witnesses: A Study in the Book of Acts Topic: Resurrection Scripture: Acts 9:1–31

Community Group Questions:

Engage Yourselves:

What is it about God “sympathizing” with your weakness that gives you hope and encouragement (read Hebrews 4:14-16)?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. What do you remember about your conversion to Christianity? What was that experience like, and what has been the most difficult to shake from your old life?

Engage the Text:

In 9:4, Jesus asks Saul, “why are you persecuting me?”. What might this say about Jesus’ relationship to the church?

What about Ananias’ response to Jesus’ command resonates most with you (v.v. 10-14)?

Engage your Neighbor:

It says in v. 7 that “the men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one”. How do you think the world around you sees you as a follower of Jesus? Take some time to examine your public witness (in your neighborhood, at work, in your family, on social media). Does your witness draw people in or push them away?

Engage your Family:

Ask your children how they see your walk with Jesus? Ask them if they see love or judgment of others?

Ask your children if they know Jesus; do they know the truth of the Gospel? Have that conversation with them.