May 30, 2021

The Gospel According to Paul

Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Faithful Witnesses: A Study in the Book of Acts Topic: Faithfulness, Resurrection Scripture: Acts 13:13–52

Community Group Questions:

Engage Yourself:

What was most encouraging and challenging about this Sunday’s sermon?

Aside from the Gospel, what “stories” have impacted your life most? Explain.

Engage the Text:

According to this passage (v.v. 26-41), how would you articulate the Gospel?

According to Isaiah 49:1-6, who is considered God’s “servant”? How might this impact our understanding of the church?

Engage your Neighbor:

What would it look like for you to “be a light to the Gentiles” in your own neighborhood?

Engage your Family:

What are some ways you can engage your family with the Good News, the story of Israel and its fulfillment in Christ?