June 27, 2021

World Turned Upside Down

Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Faithful Witnesses: A Study in the Book of Acts Topic: Faithfulness, Mission Scripture: Acts 17:1–15, Acts 18:1–28

Community Group Questions:

Engage Yourself:

In 18:9-11 we see a Paul who was experiencing fear. In what areas of your life are you experiencing fear or uncertainty? How does the promise that God is with you and that you are surrounded by his people bring you courage and encouragement?

Engage the Text:

As we engage the story of Paul, what are some things that come up in this passage that we’ve seen before? What does Paul’s story reveal about the Christian life? 

Engage your Neighbor:

Apollos is a bold proclaimer of the Good News, while at the same time being teachable and humble. Are there times when your boldness overshadows your teachability and humility to the point where it might affect your witness? How can you practice humility when it comes to evangelizing your neighbors and friends?

Engage your Family:

Talk to your children about God’s words to Paul in 18:9-10. Encourage them that in their moments of fear, that they can go to God and that they can rely on their brothers and sisters in the faith.