He Gave Them Over
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Over the Face of the Deep: A Study in Genesis 1-11 Topic: Faith Scripture: Genesis 6:1–22
The reception of God's grace gives way to intimacy, which results in faithfulness, while the rejection of God's grace leads to a destruction of our own making.
As you listen to the sermon we encourage you to think through the following points:
1. Noah found favor (v.v. 1-8)
2. Noah walked with God (v.v. 9-13)
3. He did all that God commanded (v.v. 14-22)
other sermons in this series
Aug 25
Snakes in the Garden Again
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Genesis 8:20– 9:29 Series: Over the Face of the Deep: A Study in Genesis 1-11
Aug 18
But God Remembered Noah: The Flood (Part 2)
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Genesis 8:1–22 Series: Over the Face of the Deep: A Study in Genesis 1-11
Aug 11
The Flood: Part 1 - A De-Creation Story
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Genesis 7:1–24 Series: Over the Face of the Deep: A Study in Genesis 1-11