December 22, 2024

Come and Behold the Sinless One

Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Come & Behold Him Scripture: Hebrews 4:14– 5:10

Come and behold the one who, while tempted like us in "every respect," refused to sin and became both the means and goals of our salvation, offering "grace to help in our times of need." 

1. Hold Fast and Draw Near (v.v. 4:14-16)

2. Beset with Weakness (v.v. 5:1-4)

3. The Source of Eternal Salvation (v.v. 5:5-10)

other sermons in this series

Jan 5


Come and Behold the Risen and Ascended One

Speaker: Noah Lang Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20–28 Series: Come & Behold Him

Dec 29


Jesus, the Sinless and Propitiating Lamb

Speaker: Scott Stengele Scripture: John 1:29, Romans 3:21–26 Series: Come & Behold Him

Dec 15


Come and Behold the Slave

Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Philippians 2:1–11 Series: Come & Behold Him