Not Like the Hypocrites: The Lord's Prayer in Context
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come Topic: Prayer Scripture: Matthew 6:5–8
Community Group Questions:
Engage Yourself:
What is your experience with the Lord’s Prayer?
When it comes to prayer, what is most challenging for you? Why do you think that is?
Engage the Text:
Jesus says in Matthew 6:8 that the Father “knows what you need before you ask him”. If that is the case, what might be the purpose of prayer?
Being “seen by others” is a problem for religious people, and not just in Christian circles. What is it about being seen that is so tempting for us when it comes to our spiritual lives? How can we humbly show the love of Christ to a watching world?
Engage your Neighbor:
In what ways can you demonstrate a sincere love for your neighbor, one that is not solely driven by a need to get people saved, but by a genuine love and care for others?
Engage your Family:
Take time to pray through the Lord’s Prayer together as a family by both reciting it together and using it as a guide. Try praying through one portion each night for a week.
other sermons in this series
Nov 14
For Thine is the Kingdom
Speaker: Sesky Paul Scripture: Matthew 6:13 Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come
Nov 7
Trials of Various Kinds
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Matthew 6:13, Luke 11:4, Matthew 8:23–27, James 1:13–15, 1 Peter 5:5–11, Matthew 4:1–25 Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come
Oct 31
Cancelled Debt: Evidence of the Kingdom
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Matthew 6:12, Matthew 6:14–15, Luke 11:4, Matthew 18:21–35, Colossians 2:13–15 Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come