Hallowed Be Thy Name
Speaker: Peter LaRosa Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come Topic: Holiness, Faithfulness Scripture: Matthew 6:9
Community Grou pQuestions:
Engage Yourself:
List some things that you typically set apart as special (hoiidays, historical events, family occasions, etc.). How would you compare your observance to these events in comparison/contrast with your time with the Lord? Do you give these events more time, attention or precedence than you would with the Lord?
Engage the Text:
Read Numbers 20:12 and Isaiah 8:12-13. What are some ways that these texts show us how to hallow God's name?
Engage Your Neighbor:
We not only live in the presence of a holy God, but also in th emidst of our neighbors. List some times in which the church universal has done well in hallowing God's name throughout history. List some times where the church has profaned God's name instead of hallowing it. What are some ways that you can hallow God's name as a group as you engage your neighbors.
Engage Your Family:
Discuss with your family what it means to honor something. From there, transition the conversation to how we are claled to honor God and discuss ways that as a family you can honor God.
other sermons in this series
Nov 14
For Thine is the Kingdom
Speaker: Sesky Paul Scripture: Matthew 6:13 Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come
Nov 7
Trials of Various Kinds
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Matthew 6:13, Luke 11:4, Matthew 8:23–27, James 1:13–15, 1 Peter 5:5–11, Matthew 4:1–25 Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come
Oct 31
Cancelled Debt: Evidence of the Kingdom
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Matthew 6:12, Matthew 6:14–15, Luke 11:4, Matthew 18:21–35, Colossians 2:13–15 Series: The Lord's Prayer: Participating in Thy Kingdom Come