When Faith Disrupts: The First Steps of a New Exodus
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Advent 2022 - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Topic: Advent Scripture: Matthew 2:13–15, Hosea 11:1–11, Luke 9:28–31
Community Group Questions:
Engage Yourself:
What is it about the simple faith of Joseph that is most challenging to you? Where are you being nudged by God’s Spirit to take a step of faith? What is keeping you from obedience?
Engage the Text:
What stood out to you in either the sermon or in these passages that were most challenging and/encouraging? Explain.
In Hosea 11:7 it says that “my people are bent on turning away from me, and though they call out to the Most High, he shall not raise them up at all”. What might it mean that God’s people are “bent on turning away from” Him, while at the same time they “call out” to Him?
Engage your Neighbor:
Understanding the nature of Jesus’ life, him being a refugee, without a place to “lay his head”, how might these things affect your posture toward those whom we might consider “outsiders”? What are some tangible steps you can take to move toward the outsider with the Good News of the Kingdom?
other sermons in this series
Jan 1
New Year's Day
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Advent 2022 - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Dec 25
Dec 24