Show Them Who You Are
Series: In Heaven And On Earth Topic: Christian Growth Scripture: Ephesians 1:15–22
Community Group Questions:
1. Do you find it difficult to give thanks for “present evidences of grace” like Paul was able to point out in the Ephesian church? Are you someone who is focused on evidences of grace that we hope to see in the future to the neglect of seeing evidences of grace in the present?
a. What are some of the evidences of God’s grace and the power of the Gospel that Paul lists as being presently true of the believer from Ephesians 1?
b. What are some present evidences of God’s grace that you are able to see here at Redeemer Fellowship?
2. In what ways can it be dangerous for the soul to only focus on desire for future change while missing present realities of what God is doing around us?
3. What are some of the things that Paul prays for the church to see regarding who they are in Christ?
4. How do you think the church is viewed by the world?
5. How powerful of a witness would we have to the world regarding nature of God and the power of the Gospel if we a). Lived out of the reality of “remembering who we are” and b). Simply made “who we are” visible for the world to see?
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