The Bridegroom Was Delayed
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Parables of Advent: Watching and Waiting Topic: Advent, Assurance Scripture: Matthew 25:1–13
Community Group Questions:
Engage Yourself:
What stood out to you from the sermon this past Sunday?
How did you find yourself responding to the bridegroom’s words, “Truly, I say to you, I do not know you”? What do you think fueled your response?
Engage the Text:
Read 2 Peter 1-11. What is the foundation of this passage (hint, it’s in v. 1), and what might Peter mean when he says, “confirm your calling and election”?
How might this relate to the wisdom and folly of the ten virgins of Matthew 25?
Engage your Neighbor:
Being that we both grow up together with “the weeds”, and make our way to the marriage feast with “the fools”, what are some ways you can pursue those around you with the Good News of the Kingdom?
Engage your Family:
Talk to your children about need for readiness and preparedness. Challenge them to take their faith seriously; in the words of James, “you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes”.
other sermons in this series
Jan 2
When Did We See You?
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Matthew 25:31–46 Series: Parables of Advent: Watching and Waiting
Dec 26
He Orchestrates
Speaker: Sesky Paul Series: Parables of Advent: Watching and Waiting
Dec 12
The Settling of Accounts
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Matthew 25:14–30 Series: Parables of Advent: Watching and Waiting