A Dwelling Place for God
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation Topic: Advent Scripture: Genesis 1–2
Community Group Questions:
Engage Yourselves:
- What about this sermon was most encouraging and most challenging?
- How might knowing that we are little temples, filled with the presence of God, bring you hope in the midst of despair?
Engage the Text:
- Read aloud in your community groups 1 Kings 6-7 and identify all of the garden imagery found within the Temple and its furnishings. Does this sort of thing encourage you in your Bible reading? Explain why or why not.
- Revelation 21:22-26 talk about the Lord God being the Temple. What about this passage is most hopeful, especially during our current moment in history?
Engage your Neighbor:
- How might knowing that God’s dwelling place is His place of action or His control room affect the way you understand the mission of the church?
- Take a minute to pray for those in your sphere of influence who do not know Jesus.
other sermons in this series
Dec 27
Rags, Riches, and the Incarnation
Speaker: Scott Stengele Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:1–9 Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation
Dec 24
O Holy Night - Christmas Eve 2020
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: John 8:12 Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation
Dec 20
The Incarnation and The Mission of God
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: John 20:19–23 Series: Word Made Flesh: The Unfolding Story of the Incarnation