Attaining the Resurrection From the Dead
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Series: Citizens of Heaven: A Study in Philippians Topic: Resurrection, Heavenly Citizenship Scripture: Philippians 3:1–11
Community Group Questions:
Engage Yourself:
What about this text and/or sermon stood out to you most? What was most encouraging and most challenging?
In what areas of your life do you tend to place most of your confidence? In what ways might that tempt you toward pride and arrogance?
Engage the Text:
Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. In what ways is Paul’s warning similar to his own struggles as an Israelite who thought so highly of his own faithfulness? Is there something about your own pedigree that causes you to struggle with pride? Why is that?
Notice how Paul places the “power of his resurrection” and “his sufferings” side by side in v. 10. What about that is most challenging for you?
Engage your Neighbor:
In v. 3, Paul says that “we are the circumcision”. To be a member of the people of God implies that we exist for the good of the nations. To whom is God calling you to sacrificially love and serve, so that they might catch a glimpse of what God is like?
other sermons in this series
May 29
Citizens are Stewards: A Conclusion to Philippians
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Philippians 4:14–23 Series: Citizens of Heaven: A Study in Philippians
May 22
Learning to Be Content
Speaker: Scott Stengele Scripture: Philippians 4:10–13 Series: Citizens of Heaven: A Study in Philippians
May 15
The God of Peace
Speaker: Jonathan Sgalambro Scripture: Philippians 4:8–9 Series: Citizens of Heaven: A Study in Philippians